PTA Announcements: January 30 - February 6, 2022

  • Recycling Wednesdays
    • Donate plastic bottles and aluminum cans at morning drop off.

Recycling Information


Additional Details & Important Information

Family Fun Night: February 4


Fairmont Bingo is back on February 4. We will have parking lot bingo and tons of prizes to give out to bingo winners big, small, young, old, and everything in between! This will be directly following a very brief PTA General Association Meeting. Details should come out this week. We will once again offer pizza for pre-sale. Don't forget to RSVP for this free event!  All are welcome even without RSVP, the RSVP allows us to know how many tables to set up.

General Association PTA Meeting: February 4 at 6:05 PM

PTA General Association Meeting

A Starbucks gift card will be given out to one of the lucky people attending our PTA meeting at 6:05 PM. This meeting will be in Fairmont's main parking lot where bingo will follow immediate after the PTA meeting. We will be selecting our nominating committee for our PTA Executive Board for the 2022-2023 school year.

Recycling Wednesdays

Please remember we can only accept empty aluminum beverage cans and empty plastic beverage bottles.  If you are not able to separate out the aluminum and plastic beverage containers, please place your recycling in your home recycling bins. We can only recycle these specific items through our school recycling program. As a school, we have recycled more than 1,042 pounds of aluminum cans and plastic bottles.

Annie Jr. Reminders

Annie Jr. Reminders

Annie Jr. photos and DVDs are on sale now. Annie Jr. photos can be purchased via Theatre Shots' website through Feb 27. Professional photos were taken during both casts' dress rehearsals. If you missed out on getting your actor's headshot, you can order those from this link as well. All orders for reprints placed at the PAC during performances are in process. In addition, DVDs of the performances may be purchased via this link through February 15.

Multicultural Night

In April 2022, we will host our first annual Multicultrual Event at Fairmont Elementary School. Details will be coming out this week about an information meeting. Please look for more information to be released on Tuesday! Information meeting will be held on February 9 (7:00 PM) via Zoom.

Important Dates

  • Feb. 7 - 6th Grade Camp Parent Meeting (6:30 PM)
  • Feb. 11 - Classroom Parties
  • Feb. 14 - No School
  • Feb. 18 - 6th Grade Lunchtime Games #2
  • Feb. 21 - No School
  • Feb. 25 - 6th Grade Panoramic Photo
  • Feb. 28 - Mar. 4 - 6th Grade Outdoor Science Camp
  • Mar. 4 - Minimum Day; 6th Graders Return From Camp